I am pleased to offer the following Services:
to my
Customized VortexHealing® Session
VortexHealing® is a holistic system of energetic healing from the Merlin lineage that works solely with Divine light and consciousness. It derives its name from a particular energy-Vortex that is the interface between our physical world and a Divine presence that is intent on healing and transformation. The connection to this Divine presence is one of the factors that makes VortexHealing unique, for a practitioner can channel not just a very powerful healing energy—the Divine energy and light of the Vortex—but also the consciousness of this Divine presence. This enables VortexHealing to work very deeply on the physical and emotional level as well as to release the karmic level of issues—they are transformed directly by the Divine consciousness accessed through the Vortex.
Kindly note the following:
Treatment sessions encompass a consultation, feedback and approximately 1 hour of healing.
Treatment Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes
Treatment Fee: £55
Clearing the Epigenetic layers
When you are born (reincarnated), your consciousness and memories become a significant part of the new body’s environment, generating epigenetic changes even while in the womb. Scientists understand epigenetics as the chemicals that bind to DNA and affect its expression. Micro-RNA changes are created by the environment, and this epigenetic layer is influenced by both emotion and environment. Changes at this level can be passed down from one generation to the next. The emotional history of the incarnated being activates and resonates with specific areas of DNA, amplifying certain genetic traits. By working on epigenetics, we can clear memories that negatively impact us, altering the nature of genetic expression.
The major consciousness factors impacting our epigenetics can be categorized into four main groups:
1. The impact of our own karmic history
2. The impact of our mother
3. The impact of our father
4. Other impacts, which include various stresses related to our environment, such as toxins we absorb and the influence of our diet, the impact of siblings or other live-in relatives or cultural conditioning.
Kindly note the following:
Please note that a consultation is required before booking to discuss your preferred treatment.
Treatment sessions includes a consultation, feedback, and approximately 1 hour 30 mins of healing.
While we are not altering the genetic code, genetic expression involves more than just the code, and we can have a significant impact by addressing this aspect.
Additional integration sessions may be required, which will vary from person to person and will be provided at an additional cost.
Treatment Duration:
15 minute consultation
2 hours treatment session
Total duration: 2 hrs 15 mins
Cost to clear a negative influence in the epigenetic layer: £99
Genetic modifications Treatment
We can use genetic modification techniques, to alter existing DNA and RNA, treating both the DNA itself and the RNA, including microRNA, which regulates DNA. This can involve rectifying genetic abnormalities or weaknesses, as well as enhancing the health of DNA.
Examples of potential modifications include, but are not limited to:
Strengthening the immune system
Addressing weak organs, diseases, and susceptibilities
Weight management
Supporting cancer treatments
Optimizing aging processes
Clearing negative effects from vaccinations and medications
Managing menopause symptoms
Regulating cholesterol and hormone levels
Improving insulin uptake
Kindly note the following:
Please note that a Free consultation is required before booking to discuss your preferred treatment.
Additional sessions may be necessary to maximize treatment effectiveness, with at least one month between sessions.
Both Day 1 and Day 2 treatment dates must be scheduled before payment is made. The second part of the treatment can only begin after a minimum of 24 hours following the initial session, but it must be completed within 23 days of Day 1. (T&C apply)
Additional integration sessions may be required, which will vary from person to person and will be provided at an additional cost.
Treatment duration:
15-minute consultation
Day 1 session: 1 hour 30 minutes
Day 2 session: 1 hour 30 minutes
Total duration: 3 hours 15 minutes
Cost for each genetic modification: £123
THE 333 Life path
Guiding you to unlock the power of your mind, body, and soul for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.
Through The 333 Life Path, I provide personalised guidance to help you align all aspects of your life—mind, body, and soul. This program offers a tailored approach to empower you to take charge of your journey toward balance, self-love, and fulfilment. Whether it’s enhancing your mindset, nurturing your spiritual wellness, or developing a healthier lifestyle, I’ll be with you every step of the way. While I provide the tools, strategies and guidance, the actions are yours to take, ensuring meaningful transformation.
Kindly note the following:
Please note that a free discovery call is required before booking the 3 or 6 month packages
1 month package can be booked online
Additional T & C's apply for this package
Treatment duration:
1, 3 & 6 month packages available
Dot Chromosome
Humanity is evolving a new (dot) chromosome of 12 genes. The energetic blueprint for these new genes can be imprinted into our system with VortexHealing® genetics NOW. (The blueprints for the first 3 genes were transmitted into all humans in the Earthshift of 2012.) Each gene – and even its blueprint – creates a new level of energetic functioning for supporting higher levels of consciousness.
Treatment Duration: POA
Price: POA